January 21, 2010

Simple Ways To Save Without Drastically Changing Your Lifestyle

Posted by Saving is Stylish at 1:45 AM
I’ll be honest—saving money is not always fun, but it’s something you have to do if you ever want to be financially secure. Most people think that you have to drastically change your lifestyle in order to save money. I disagree. I’m a huge fan of baby steps. Continually taking small steps and implementing small changes will reap huge rewards down the road. Here are my favorite ways to save without having to make huge sacrifices:

Instead Of Dining In, Get Carry Out
Dining out frequently can be expensive (I know from personal experience). However, if you get carry out instead, you can save anywhere from 15-30% each time. How? Well, at most restaurants you are not expected to leave a tip for carry out orders. This automatically saves 15-20%. Also, you won’t be tempted to order drinks from the bar. Beer, wine, hard liquor, and mixed drinks can really increase your tab. When you get carry out, you’ll just drink whatever beverages you have at home while still enjoying the food from your favorite restaurant.

Shop Smart
Shopping is great; it’s one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. Everyone knows that clothes eventually go on sale/clearance. Most retailers mark down items 4-6 weeks after the merchandise has hit the floor. After a few more weeks, the merchandise gets marked down again. If you see something you like, vow not to buy it unless it goes on sale by at least 40%. For example, if you see a top priced at $100, don’t buy it until is marked down to at least $60. This will take some discipline and patience, but it is well worth the savings. The feeling of getting that great top at a steep discount is unbeatable.

Swap Clothes with Friends
Friends are a great source of clothing and accessories. Host a party where everyone brings unwanted items and swap! You can pick up some great new accessories and cute clothes for free.

Downsize Your Latte

What size is your daily latte or coffee? Instead of giving up your latte for good, try downsizing your drink. If you normally get a large, switch to a medium and save $0.25 a day. If you get a medium, switch to a small and save $0.25 a day. Doesn’t sound like much? Saving $0.25 a day everyday for a year equals $91.25. Not bad for a change that you won’t even notice after doing it for a week.


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